reposted from: http://cectic.com/050.html
Despite the presence of several creationists on the Texas State Board of Education, it appears that ID will not enter the science classroom. This is good news for Texas children and defenders of science education. Teaching crap and calling it science does not change the fact that it is still crap. Fortunately, board members appeared to understand this simply truth.
Christian extremists have long sought to replace science education with religious indoctrination. If science contradicts biblical teaching (and it most certainly does), then science must go. When it became clear that this was not going to happen, they tried to insure that creationism would at least be included in the educational curriculum, going so far as to claim that it should be taught as an alternative to evolution.
According to The Dallas Morning News,
A solid majority of the State Board of Education, which will rewrite the science curriculum for public schools next year, is against the idea, even though several members say they are creationists and have serious doubts about Charles Darwin's theory that humans evolved from lower life forms.Sadly, we can't celebrate the defeat of creationism just yet. Even though it is nice to see Texas board members understanding that creationism (in its various forms) is not science, this is merely one battle in a much larger war.
"Creationism and intelligent design don't belong in our science classes," said Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, who described himself as a creationist. "Anything taught in science has to have consensus in the science community – and intelligent design does not."Absolutely. It is a national disgrace to see that Texas Governor Rick Perry and President Bush approve of creationism being taught in public schools. Before we praise these school board members for making the right decision, we must realize that they may also be determined to amplify controversy where little exists.
And while the board apparently won't take up intelligent design, several members expect a battle over how evolution is treated in science textbooks, although that won't be up for debate until 2011. Mr. McLeroy and others say they'll push for books to include a more thorough examination of weaknesses in the theory of evolution.Clearly, more work is needed to make sure our nation's children receive the science education they need.