Creationism v Evolution
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
BHA Science and Creationism
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Evolution Education Flyer - from The Brights
Evolution Education Flyer
2-sided sheet (or 2 pages)
- Download the flyer
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Teach both evolution and creationism in science lessons say 54% of Britons
British Council poll finds UK adults overtake Americans in wanting science teaching in schools to include intelligent designJessica Shepherd
-, Sunday 25 October 2009 15.50 GMT
- Article history
Lewis Wolpert, emeritus professor of biology at University College London (UCL), who is vice-president of the British Humanist Association, said: "I am appalled. It shows how ignorant the public is. Intelligent design and creationism have no connection with science and are purely religious concepts. There is no evidence for them at all. They must be kept out of science lessons."
Steve Jones, professor of genetics at UCL, said: "This shows the danger of religions being allowed to buy schools, hijack lessons and pretend that they have anything useful to say about science – which, by definition, they do not. The figure seems much too high, although no doubt there is a substantial minority that does think this."
Christine Blower, acting general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said: "It would be wholly wrong to include creationism in the science curriculum. An overwhelming body of evidence, not assertion, supports the concept of evolution and therefore evolution must form the basis of the science curriculum. Consideration of creationism might not be out of place in religious education."
The National Secular Society said schools should "ban religious explanations in science lessons", adding that the creationist movement was becoming "more vocal".
But Alison Ryan, policy adviser of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers Union, said that if a "good teacher handled the lesson", presenting creationism and intelligent design need not be problematic. "Science teachers could introduce creationism as a theory that some people hold, but that is not based on evidence."
Monday, 21 April 2008
Evolution v Creation - EvC - a huge resource on the internet

Dipping into EvC forums I found for instance Science forums, a sub forum on Big Bang and Cosmology and a post Before Big Bang: God or Singularity
with a Closing Assessment
about understanding science "...what this thread makes clear is that you can only explain something to someone who already believes it is true. If they believe it is false then they'll find every excuse and opportunity to avoid reaching an understanding. But this practice isn't unique to those approaching science from a spiritual perspective, it is also true of the reverse, as we often see when science minded folks ask Christians about the Trinity. So the problem becomes how do you explain something to someone who doesn't believe it and only wants to disprove it? We can argue that one doesn't have to accept it, just understand it, but this turns out not to be so easy to do, for anyone from either side of this debate. "
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Attempts to introduce Intelligent Design in Europe spark backlash
via BHA Science Group
By John Timmer | Published: June 26, 2007 - 11:02AM CT
When societal resistance to the science behind evolution comes up for discussion, it's often an occasion for European readers to ask (with varying degrees of politeness) whether the US has lost its collective marbles. Any sense of superiority they derive from viewing the rejection of science as an American phenomenon, however, should have evaporated in recent years as creationist efforts have popped up throughout Europe, including within several governments. The situation has now reached the point where European governments have felt compelled to address the issue. More..
Friday, 30 November 2007
Creationism - how to respond?
Check out the comments that follow the article.
Creationism - how to respond?
If you have ever had a conversation with a creationist of the "young earth" variety (who believe the entire universe is less than 10K years old, with all species created by God as described in Genesis), you'll know it is a frustrating experience.
Point to the fossil record, say, or light from distant stars, or carbon dating, or tectonic plate movement, etc. as evidence of a much older universe, and you will find they have prepared answers, supplied, for example, by the multi-million dollar funded Institute for Creation Research.
There are also innumerable creationist resources on the web, such as at
I'd like to discuss how best to respond to young earth creationists when you come across them (I've come across quite a few in British Schools, recently - including one teaching science in a leading public school).
Posted by Stephen Law at 12:20 PM